Entries by admin_quiroprojects

Smartphones….A Real Pain in the Neck

Chiropractic Corner column, The Portugal News (easy to read text below) Wow…. we truly are living in the days of science fiction. In your pocket you probably carry a small little box, a smartphone, that does so many things: you can write an email or SMS/text message, talk to a friend half way around the […]

How to Thaw a Frozen Shoulder

(Chiropractic Corner column, The Portugal News) Many times a week, patients walk into my clinic with a “Frozen Shoulder Syndrome“.  They are usually having pain and inability to move their arm freely, with a restriction of their normal activities, whether it be lifting, playing golf or tennis, or just sleeping comfortably. In this short article, we’ll […]

How to exercise for fast recovery from an injury

(Chiropractic Corner column, The Portugal News, 12/2/16) Our life is sailing along just fine, we are doing the things we love, and then a bend or twist, and suddenly…. OUCH!!  IT happens, we’ve injured some part of ourselves. There is pain and swelling with loss of movement. You see a Chiropractor for a few adjustments or […]